miercuri, 22 septembrie 2010

Everywhere, Anywhere

Before we get into details about what this Blog is about and before I am going to go on and on about myself I would like to say HI!!! Yeah, I do know this is typical, but hey give me a break I'm only 14, and this is like, my first BLOG...

So, I made a mistake and said Im gonna go into details about what this Blog is about... Well to be truthful I don't even know myself... You see i just wanted a BLOG coz my VERY cool cousin (he will be very happy when he reads this) and my even more AMAZING uncle (hopefully he will remember this when he is buying christmas presents) have a blog so i wanted to have one too...

Hopefully you guys will be nice and won't laugh at me, though I don't really care (I so do!!!)
Anyway I will just make a confession (I got this from my cousin's website) I ain't good at english ( I can speak all right, a lot, just ask my friends)  when I am  like writing something I ain't great at explaining or writing it in a way so you lovely people would understand (you can stop grinning now) so don't expect this to be one of the cool good BLOGs, like uncle's and cousin's I am truthful now (they'll love me more, wont they?) but just one of those blogs that I am going to post like poems or things that I like or that I made...

PS: If you are expecting something like a song that I sing or me singing any time I would recommend the volume to be on mute as you might want to keep your hearing ability -- Thank you x

3 comentarii:

  1. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  2. Good luck! I wish you to be very original and surprising in all you do on your blog and even in your life:p Tot blogu meu e mai tare:p:p:p
